‘Hypnopompia’ is a defined as the few minutes of consciousness that exists between the state of sleep and wakefulness as one slowly wakes up from sleep into reality.

The ‘Hypnopompic state’, defined as the state of consciousness leading out of sleep, is best understood as an emotional and credulous dreaming cognition trying to make sense of the real world stolidity.
Particularly when falling asleep at an odd hour, like in the evening,
often one wakes up with a feeling of disorientation or an uncanny sense of alienation from even our most familiar surroundings.
These few moments between sleep and wakefulness are laden with a strange intersection between the conscious and subconscious mind. It is almost as if witnessing reality for the very first time.
These few moments between sleep and wakefulness are laden with a strange intersection between the conscious and subconscious mind. It is almost as if witnessing reality for the very first time.
In the process of re-orienting with our reality, we re-encounters ourselves, the world around, our thoughts, memories and the whole act of living and are, at times, hit with the intensity of each experience as if experiencing it for the first time
This book tries to explore memory, the subconscious, the uncanny and (reacquainting with) death, loss and grief. And in ways, it tries to understand a different type of mourning, the process of remembering and forgetting.

Image of process from the sketchbook
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