'Landscapes are inhabited, lived in, looked at. They become the backdrop against which we live and exist daily. At times, certain places gather greater significance. They become instances of memory. Landmarks behind which some particular event or incident has taken place. And sometimes, these landmarks become the very vocabulary with which we contain our experiences. They become moments, feelings and at times powerful, intimate metaphors.'

This book is inspired by the university in which I pursued my Master's degree. Having spent two years within the landscape, inhabiting and witnessing it over various seasons, moods and instances, the landscape began to develop as a personal metaphor for my experience within the space. The university, set in the heart of interior India, has further social, ecological and economic implications, fragments of which are scattered and visible within the landscape as well.
The landscape acts as an evidence or testimony of these various aspects. This work is a response to the personal, psychological and sociological significance of the landscape. It looks at how the simplest of elements like heat or space can become visual or temporal metaphors for engaging with larger, complex issues.

Image of process from the sketchbook